BUI Fabrics

Buifabrics boasts of the most fabulous fabrics you will ever lay your eyes on, describing their collections as exquisite, whimsical, and divine. The brand specialises in retailing the most unique and high-quality traditional fabrics & accessories perfect for any grand occasion.

The Challenge

BUI Fabrics’ existing site had outgrown its managed WordPress hosting plan and suffered from a lack of maintenance, resulting in an outdated design that no longer accurately represented the brand. The increasing number of products, variations, and images, along with rising website traffic, exacerbated these issues, creating significant challenges with online sales for the business.

Services & Technology

Website Migration

Hosting Setup

UI/UX Design

Web Development




Linux hosting





Google Analytics

The Solution

We needed to implement a multi-faceted solution to address the issues plaguing the website site. The first step was migrating to a larger hosting server to handle increased traffic and ensure faster load times. We then optimized over 20,000 website images & converted them to web-friendly formats like WebP. This not only conserved valuable storage space but also drastically improved site performance. By reducing image sizes and leveraging modern web development & image compression techniques, we enhanced the overall user shopping experience and also the checkout process. These improvements are designed to create a smoother, faster, and more efficient shopping experience, ultimately driving higher conversion rates and boosting online sales.

The Results